

Both the Department of Law and the Department of Political Science offer various courses on the subject of human rights.


Master Human Rights

The advanced training programme in Human Rights is aimed at professionals with a Bachelor’s degree and practical experience in relevant fields of work. Due to its international orientation, it is open to applicants from all over the world, in particular to professionals in international organisations and non-governmental organisations, in public administrations (at international, EU, federal, state and municipal level), in political consulting, in the press/media sector, in interest groups and associations, in specialised law firms, companies and in research. A special feature of this degree programme is that it is also aimed at people who are involved in human rights work on a voluntary or part-time basis and wish to gain professional qualifications in order to develop this work further. Applicants who work in other areas but have practical experience in human rights work outside their main profession are therefore also admitted to the programme.

Detailed information on the programme, application procedure and lecturers can be found on the programme’s website.

Homepage Master Human Rights


Human Rights Clinic

Picture: FAU / Anna Tiessen

Pre-Announcement: The FAU Human Rights Clinic will launch in October 2024 in a brand-new format! Find more information here and stay tuned for updates. 

The FAU Human Rights Clinic (HRC) is an interdisciplinary human rights practice project in which students produce an “expert opinion” on a current human rights issue over a period of one year in cooperation with a practice partner from the NGO scene. The HRC is a collaboration of the professorships for International Politics of Human Rights (Prof. Dr. Katrin Kinzelbach) and Public Law, Public International Law and Human Rights (Prof. Dr. Dr. Patricia Wiater).

Practical project 2021/2022: Hosting local Afghan workers while respecting fundamental and human rights

The 2021/22 report has been published in book form by FAU University Press. It is available in full text here (only in German).

After the surprisingly abrupt withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021, the country fell back under Taliban rule with the capture of Kabul on 15 August 2021. Many of the local forces working for the Bundeswehr and other German organisations were not evacuated or were evacuated far too late and were stuck in Afghanistan, where they were threatened and persecuted by the Taliban as “collaborators”. The project of the first cycle of the FAU Human Rights Clinic started in the winter semester 2021/22 under the title “Human Rights Assessment of the Afghanistan Evacuation”. In cooperation with PRO ASYL as a practice partner, the team of five law and political science students is dedicated to the legal and factual issues surrounding the reception of local forces.

In addition to independent research work, the HRC programme includes specific skills workshops with international speakers, in which organisational (“Best Practices in Clinical Work”, “DO’ and DON’Ts in Group Research”), content-related (“Afghanistan – Human Rights, Local Forces, Legal Practice”) and methodological skills are taught (“Skills Workshop – Interviews”). In addition, the students conducted interviews with lawyers, employees of human rights organisations and affected local forces.

The result of the project is the report “Fundamental and human rights-compliant organisation of refugee reception”.

Practical project 2022/2023: Climate change & flight: Protection for climate refugees

The topic of the FAU Human Rights Clinic 2022/23 was Climate Change & Flight: Protection for “Climate Refugees”. In cooperation with the German Institute for Human Rights as a practice partner, the students wrote an expert report on the question of how people fleeing the negative effects of climate change can find protection. What forms of protection already exist in national and international asylum and refugee law? Are these forms of protection sufficient? What innovative approaches could close existing gaps?

The report will soon be published in book form by FAU University Press.

If you have any questions, please contact the coordinator of the Human Rights Clinic, Jonathan Kießling.


Human Rights and Business Clinic

The FAU Human Rights and Business Clinic (HRB Clinic) brings together students and academics at FAU with partner organizations to work on applied research projects. Led by doctoral researchers of the International Doctorate Programme “Business and Human Rights: Governance Challenges in a Complex World”, the Clinic serves the dual function of helping students harness research skills to deliver timely and impactful projects in partnership with an external organization, and provides academic research capacities to the partner organization. By bringing academia and practice closer together, the Clinic aims to deliver mutually beneficial and impact-oriented research.

Homepage HRB Clinic


Human Rights Talks

Picture: FAU / Anna Tiessen

The “FAU Human Rights Talks” are an innovative teaching format that Professor Wiater has been offering since the 2019 summer semester. In the talks, the participants discuss current issues of fundamental and human rights protection from different perspectives.

Depending on the topic, the Human Rights Talks are held in English or German.

The Human Rights Talks are open to law students of all study phases, students of the Master’s programme Human Rights, Ersamus students and interested students of other subjects.

Further information can be found on the homepage of our CHREN Member Prof. Dr. Dr. Patricia Wiater.

