Gesundheit! Inclusion in the Nursing and Care Sector

Gesundheit! Inclusion in the Nursing and Care Sector

Due to the increasing need for personnel in the healthcare sector as well as apparent gaps in healthcare provision, specialised personnel from abroad has become indispensable. Their recruitment, but above all their sustainable and long-term employment, depends decisively on the working conditions but also on their social inclusion at and beyond the workplace.

This research project aims to improve conditions for precarious workers with a migration history in the healthcare sector. Ultimately it seeks to analyse how to strengthen their willingness to stay in this highly fluctuating sector. Based on qualitative research as well as coaching sessions and workshops with employees and key actors in the healthcare sector, this project aims to

  • define precarious working conditions from the perspective of employees
  • gain scientific knowledge on current conditions in healthcare facilities as well as municipalities with regards to equitable employment of care workers with a migration history working under precarious conditions
  • give practice-oriented impulses and recommendations for improving the professional and social inclusion of care workers at and beyond their workplace
  • support representatives from municipalities, especially those with structural weaknesses, as well as key actors in the healthcare sector with the precise design of concrete measures and packages by means of coaching sessions

Funded by the Mercator Foundation, the project is based at the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN) and started on September 15th, 2022 for a duration of three years. Cooperating project partner is the Institute of Geography at FAU.



Event Series

On 16 May, 6 June and 27 June, the online event series “Care beyond borders: Exploring impacts of migration, displacement and inclusion for the care and nursing sector” will take place, which will deal with the topics of migration, displacement and integration in the care sector from a scientific perspective – and address the associated challenges and potentials.
challenges and potentials.
The international and interdisciplinary series of events will initially offer the opportunity to discuss current scientific research on three one-hour evening sessions in May and June. In the first session on Thursday, 16.05.24, we would like to take a fundamental look at the topic of care migration, economic assessment and categorisation practices as well as individual effects. Then, on 6 June, we will look at the employment of refugees in the care sector in Germany and questions of inclusion and exclusion. The third and final session of the summer semester on Thursday 27 June will focus on diversity in everyday nursing care. Further sessions are being planned for the winter semester.

The series takes place in cooperation with two projects of the FAU Centre for Human Rights at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg: The Stiftung Mercator-funded research project “Health! Participation in the care sector” aims to identify good working and living conditions for employees with a history of migration in the care sector and generate impulses and recommendations that promote equal participation and equal opportunities in institutions and the region. The joint project “Flight and Refugee Research: Networking and Transfer” (FFVT), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aims to strengthen interdisciplinary flight and refugee research in and outside Germany.
To register, please use the following link. Please note that the event will be held in English. If you have any questions, please contact Yasemin Bekyol (
Information on the speakers and content of the individual events can be found here.


Yasemin Bekyol, Petra Bendel , Stefan Kordel, Tobias Weidinger und Edanur Yarar (2023). „Systemrelevant, aber systematisch benachteiligt: zur Teilhabe von Geflüchteten als Arbeitskräfte im Gesundheitssektor“. Impulse für Gesundheitsförderung der Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit und Akademie für Sozialmedizin Niedersachsen Bremen e.V.. 120: 19. available:

Documentation and Recordings of the CHREN-Conference on Migration and Health Care

Keynote by Prof. Dr. Michael Krennerich
Keynote by Prof. Dr. Michael Krennerich

In March 2023 the hybrid conference „Systemrelevant und systemisch benachteiligt? (Flucht-)Migration und Gesundheit: Zugang, Teilhabe und Beschäftigung“ on migration and health care took place at FAU Kollegienhaus. Purpose of this scientific and practice-oriented event was to address the multifaceted role of people with a migration background in Germany – both as recipients of health care services as well as employees in the health sector –  and the challenges and potentials associated with these roles.

The conference documentation (PDF / in German) is now available for download. Some of the recorded presentations and panel discussions can be accessed here (in German).

This two-day conference was organized by the project “Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT)” funded by the German Federal Ministry of for Education and Research (BMBF) as well as the Stiftung Mercator-funded project “Gesundheit! Inclusion in the healthcare sector” at the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN) at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.